Hollywood Bell Plastics 3rd Muffler man
Hollywood is the latest addition to the Giant Men – Muffler Men collection on display at Bell Plastics’ Hayward, CA plant. He arrived in Hayward from Flint, MI in late 2013 and was given the name Hollywood by Bruce. Hollywood is a 21 foot tall International Fiberglass statue fashioned after Edgar Bergen’s ventriloquist puppet Mortimer Snerd. Since Hollywood was in International Fiberglass’ print ads he is believe to be the first of his kind. Due to wind storms there are less then 8 Mortimer Snerd left.
While because less is more and more is less, therefore finally, hence you should visit.
Mortimer Snerd has a few alias’ Happy Halfwit, Alfred E. Neuwmann & the County Bumpkin.
For more on his history visit the nice lady at Road Side Architecture.
Link to the nice lady at Road Side Architecture
Same thing for the nice people at Road Side America.
While collecting always remember if one is good, ten is better! Also there is always room for one more.

Edgar Bergen’s ventriloquist puppet Mortimer Snead.

Unloading Hollywood.

Hollywood gets a lift up.

He’s up!
Hollywood one of Hayward’s Muffler Men
Hollywood’s name is do to his appearance in the 2008 movie Semi Pro.
Bell Plastics’ other Muffler Men, Giant Men and Giant Statues.
Our collection of statues has grown since Big Mike in 2011. Dinosaurs roam our grounds but Turok our dinosaur hunter keeps them out of the offices. Two Doggie Diner heads, one sits on his pole out front of the plant. Fireman Frank helps to keep us safe standing by a Uniroyal Girl or Miss America as she was called by International Fiberglass, Vanna Whitewall.
We also get hundreds of visitors each year from all over the USA. Sometimes visitors come 2 at a time and other times we get bus loads. Car and art clubs also stop by for a look.
While, because less is more and more is less, therefore finally, hence to you should visit.
Also, if you see an unwanted Giant wandering around please let Bruce know.
Bell Plastics is making new 20 foot Giant Men and 16 foot Miss America statues. Each statue is customize to the business. Call Bruce for more information and pricing @ 510-784-1111