Sch 80 Polypropylene Pipe sizes and weights



O.D. I.D. Wall Thickness
1/2 .840 .546 .147
3/4 1.050  .742 .154
1 1.315  .933 .179
1-1/4 1.660  .1278 .191
1-1/2 1.900  1.500 .200
2 2.375  1.939 .218
3 3.500  2.900 .300
4 4.5  3.826 .337
6 6.625 5.761 .432
8 8.625 7.625 .500
10 10.750 9.564 .593
12 12.750 11.376 .687
14 14.000 12.500 .750
16 16.000 14.314 .843
18 18.000 16.126 .937
20 20.000 17.938 1.031
24 24.000 21.564 1.218
Max Pressure

@ 73F

Weight per foot Weight per 20 foot
150 .135 2.7
.183 3.66
.267 5.34
.367 7.34
.444 8.88
.622 12.44
1.245 24.9
1.845 36.9

PVC is not made for air or compressed gases.

Schedule 40 PVC pipe is to thin to thread. Threaded fitting are glued onto the ends when needed.

Schedule 80 can be threaded

All molded Schedule 80 fittings are gray.